Atlanta, USA Max Bevilacqua Atlanta, USA Max Bevilacqua

Joan Moon

  • An Atlanta native, currently living a nomadic lifestyle

  • I'm a negotiation coach, consultant, and trainer. I founded Moon Negotiation, LLC to help women navigate bias in a negotiation. I'm also a Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Collaboratory Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School's Center for Public Leadership where I was a founding coach, lead researcher, and continue to lead the Negotiation Coaching Clinic training students to be negotiation coaches. Previously I was a Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School's Women and Public Policy Program where I was the founding coach for the Career Negotiation Coaching Program and researched the effects of negotiation coaching on negotiation outcomes (but COVID disrupted all of that!).

  • Interested in all things gender equity and how to make negotiation training accessible to everyone, especially to those who have historically not had access.

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